QTP 11 checkpoint testing on Windows 7

Our test application :

Again, the test application will be tested for its ability to multiply two numbers.

IMPORTANT : before proceeding with this test, you as assumed to have populated the repository with objects for the buttons ("9", "x", "3", "=") and numeric input field ("result"). For the sake of intuitive understanding, the objects have been renamed here, and are used in the VB script with their associated names.

Testing the calculator may actually be performed in two ways :

These ways are reflected in two types of VB scripts :

SystemUtil.Run "Calc","", "c:\Documents and settings\ejer",""

SystemUtil.Run "Calc","", "c:\Documents and settings\ejer",""
Window("Calculator").static("result").Type "9"
Window("Calculator").static("result").Type "3"

We will proceed with the latter script. Once calculation is completed, it is necessary to check if the result presented in the calculator numeric field is actually correct. This may be done using QTP 'checkpoints'. Usage of QTP checkpoints will be explored in this text.

Proceed to resume recording (pressing the record button) and from the menu, select Checkpoint -> Standard Checkpoint... Subsequntly click on the calculator numeric field to record where the checkpoint is supposed to check.

The checkpoint will receive a default name according to the content in the selected checkpoint object. But this will be changed later on. Just proceed to press OK for further specification of checkpoint details.

In the checkpoint details, click checkbox for "text 27" in order to check for the result "27" every time the test is run. Since the calculator application is rather fast performing its calculations, a "checkpoint timeout" of "1" seconds may be specified (10 seconds are the default value).

After ensding the recording session, a line will have been added to the VB script, performing the checkpoint test. The respective two types of possible test sripting should now read :

SystemUtil.Run "Calc","", "c:\Documents and settings\ejer",""
Window("Calculator").Static("result").Check CheckPoint("check9x3")

SystemUtil.Run "Calc","", "c:\Documents and settings\ejer",""
Window("Calculator").static("result").Type "9"
Window("Calculator").static("result").Type "3"
Window("Calculator").Static("result").Check CheckPoint("check9x3")

Performing checkpoint testing

Actually performing the checkpoint test requires (once again) to start the "Run" function in QTP. As outlined in the screenshots below, the test will check if the specified numeric value of "27" actually shows up in the calculator after having performed the recorded sequence of testing steps. If so, the test will end successfull with status "Passed" in the HP Run Result viewer.

Simply changing the expected value at the checkpoint to fx. "28" in the registry editor will illustrate the oppsite situation, where the tested application does not perform as expected. In that situation the test will end with status "Failed".

These tests illustrates how QTP automated tests may validate continued functionality of an application. Simply changing the automated test result values will allow test, if desired functionality is working as expected.